Catalyst Wellness Golf Outing
Now in its second year, Journey21 volunteer Kacie Walters and her team at Catalyst Wellness are putting great energy and creativity into what promises to be a fun day for their 2nd Annual Golf Outing to benefit Journey21. Last year’s event at Western Lakes was great – a beautiful day, enthusiastic players, and a great course all made it so!
Proceeds from this event will be used to support our academic programs, help with transportation costs as we strive to extend our classrooms into the community to enable more people to have even more experiences. Our enrollment is growing and so the success of this event also helps us compensate our team members fairly.
The outing is on Sunday, July 21st this year which will make it easier in many ways. No PTO needed, families can plan to participate together, and no nagging calls/texts/emails from the office to distract you from a great day of fun at Western Lakes. Please consider signing up today

Abilities Showcase
Abilities Showcase
Join us for this unique event!
Foster the entrepreneurial spirit & talents of individuals with disabilities.
Interested in becoming a vendor, please email Heidi Hamilton, Program & Enrichment Center Director, at heidihamilton@journey21.org or call 262-399-0102.